Sherry on Milo (3 year old training horse) at fall Women's Camp
Well summer is winding down and we are approaching my favorite time of the year, FALL and the HOLIDAYS! I usually complain about summer heat, but I have to admit that I didn’t whine near as much this year because for the most part it has been fairly cool here. I didn’t even use a whole bottle of Anti-Monkey Butt Powder to control the heat rash I normally put up with. I only had a few break outs this summer, and Keith and I saved a lot of money this summer as we rarely used out air conditioner. Our concrete house stayed nice and cool this summer with gentle breezes blowing through the open windows. I have to admit we used less fly spray on our horses than ever before because we just haven’t had as many flies this year, which was not only less annoying but another money saver. Then all the wonderful rains we have had has kept our pasture going much longer than normal which amounts to less hay consumption, another dollar saver. And last I have had the most business ever in one summer since I started this business full time just 5 years ago. I wish every summer in NE could be this lovely.
Even in the midst of a so called economic down turn a business can thrive with a little help from mother nature, careful strategic budget and market planning, an optimistic attitude, excellent customer service, a fair price, and consistent, encouraging, and positive results which benefit the client.
I can now smell and feel fall in the air and it gets me excited as I love the approaching cooler seasons. I am also excited about the young horses coming to my house this month for training and Erica returning to work with me. She is no longer called an apprentice but my training associate as she has paid her dues and worked hard with me the past three years. However, if you were thinking of sending a young horse this fall you will have to wait until the next course in the spring of 2010, as we are full again for this Sept. As of right now, I plan to take more young horses next spring and fall as I work better in cooler weather. And I plan to have apprentices here at the same time to support my work with the young horses. So if you are interested in the internship program for 2010 please call me as soon as possible to visit about the possibilities.
The summer months next year will be set aside for the successful camps at Calamus Outfitters, plus traveling for private lessons and clinics. I will be going back to Wyoming again next summer for a couple of weeks as they have already requested my return. In fact they want to make it an annual event. A couple of other 4-H groups have already requested another clinic for next year. The 2010 schedule will come out in the next couple of months.
I am thinking of slowing it down a bit in Nov. and Dec. in order to start writing and designing artwork for a second book, plus I love decorating for the holidays and having guests over. Of course, I will keep with my once a month schedule to Omaha and Lincoln for private lessons and mini clinics throughout the rest of this year as I have a very dedicated group of students willing to take monthly lessons from me. I will also still welcome anyone wanting to come to my place for lessons Oct.-Dec. upon special request. Even with bad weather we can always go out to Calamus Outfitters to ride in the indoor arena.
This year a lot more people have come to visit me for private lessons and I love the fact that I don’t have to travel. It is so fun to share my lifestyle and our horse herd with those who come. However, I also know it will always be necessary for me to travel to meet the needs of horse lovers wanting to expand their horsemanship journey. So even though I would like to live in the fantasy world of everyone coming to me, I realize this is not possible. You can be confident I will continue to be the traveling trainer who is always accessible, approachable, adaptable, and reliable. I do still suggest that you consider a trip our place in the sandhills. I promise it will be an awesome experience. This year I have had people travel from MN, CO, WY, IL, IA, MO, and yes even FL to our little piece of heaven here in central NE. And all of them have been more than happy with the experience and have found it to be a quality investment in their future with their horses.
I am also looking forward to three Women’s Camps between now and Oct. 6th. It is always so much fun to have horse lovers come out to enjoy the beauty of the sandhills with me, and allowing me to share my passion for horsemanship through natural feel with them. As I look forward to my favorite seasons, I also look forward to the horses and their owners that I will encounter this fall. And more than anything I look forward to the relationships we will develop, the lessons I will teach them and the lessons they will in turn teach me.
Until next time,
Sherry Jarvis
Heart in Your Hand Horsemanship LLC
Author of "Win Your Horse's Heart" (And Be a Better Horseman)
"High achievement always takes place in the framework of high expectation"--Charles Kettering
"This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it."-- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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